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Watford Junction station is only 20 minutes from Euston Station in London (make sure you take the fast train) . The Fresh Academy is less than a 5 minute cab ride away

M1 South
Leave M1 at Junction 5 (Harrow A41, Watford A4008) and take the 3rd exit onto A4008. Keep to the right and at the next roundabout take the 2nd exit (sign posted Watford Industrial area). Continue forward until next roundabout and take 2nd exit. You are now entering Colonial Way. Follow road around until you reach Penfold Estate on the right. We are unit E.

M1 North
Leave M1 at Junction 5 and take 2nd exit onto the A4008. Keep to the right and at the next roundabout take the 2nd exit (sign posted Watford industrial area). Continue forward until next roundabout and take 2nd exit. You are now entering Colonial Way. Follow road around until you reach Penfold Estate on the right. We are unit E.

M25 Anti-Clockwise
Leave the M25 at Junction 20 (sign posted Hemel Hempstead, Aylesbury). At Hunton Bridge roundabout take the 1st exit onto the A41 North Western Avenue (sign posted Central London, North Watford A41). At the next roundabout take the 3rd exit on to the St Albans Road. Continue down the St Albans Road for approximately 1 mile. At the 2nd main set of traffic lights turn left on to Balmoral Road (Capel Carpets are on the corner). Continue for 1/4 of a mile turn right onto Imperial Way. (You will see Volvo on the corner). Penfold Estate is the 4th turning on your left, we are Unit E.

M25 Clockwise
Leave the M25 at Junction 19. At Hunton Bridge roundabout take the 2nd exit onto the A41 North Western Avenue (sign posted Central London, North Watford A41). At the next roundabout take the 3rd exit on to the St Albans Road. Continue down the St Albans Road for approximately 1 mile. At the 2nd main set of traffic lights turn left on to Balmoral Road (Capel Carpets are on the corner). Continue for 1/4 of a mile turn right onto Imperial Way. (You will see Volvo on the corner). Penfold Estate is the 4th turning on your left, we are Unit E.